All orders are shipped from our warehouse in Italy. We do our best to process and ship your order as quickly as possible, orders will be entrusted to the courier within 24/48 hours of receiving the order with paid status.
During weekends, holidays and days before holidays, orders will be processed on the first available working day.

Once the order is processed internally by our team, shipping will take approximately the following:

  • Italy
    • 2-4 working days
  • EU countries
    • 5-10 working days

FT Group cannot be held responsible for unforeseen delays (e.g. strikes, customs procedures, etc.).

For the Furniture section, the expected order processing times are 3-4 working days due to the warehouse being located elsewhere.

For packages larger than 2 meters in height or for very bulky items, it will not be possible to use an express courier, therefore delivery may take more working days than those indicated above.


If you need to return a product, you have 14 days from the date of receipt of the order to notify your desire to return it and request the return label.

  • For national orders for which express courier was used, the cost of the return label is €10.00 which will be deducted from the refund amount;
  • For EU orders for which express courier was used, the cost of the return label is €15.00 which will be deducted from the refund amount.

For all orders for which it was not possible to use an express courier, the return will be agreed with the customer. The customer remains free to decide to manage the return independently.

Once we have received your return, please allow us up to 5 business days to verify that the product falls within our return policies.

Please ensure that the items are returned in new, unused condition and in the original packaging with no damage. The responsibility for the return remains with the buyer until it is returned to our warehouse. Returns that do not meet our policy will not be accepted and will not be refunded. Returns accepted are only on purchases made directly on

The refund will be made net of the shipping costs originally paid.

In case you would like to make a change, contact, the team will assist you with your request.

In case of damage during transport or defects of the product, contact us immediately providing photos of the damage/defect, the team will promptly provide replacement. Claims for damage to the product are not accepted after 7 days from the delivery of the order.

Please contact our customer service team by emailing for any further questions.


Gruppo FT will check the quality of the returned product and will issue the refund only if it meets the conditions of the return policies. Returns are accepted only on purchases made directly on You will receive the refund on the same payment method used for the original purchase, refund times may vary depending on the different payment methods.

If the product is returned because it is defective or damaged, the refund will be full. Shipping costs will be included in the refund.

Otherwise the refund will only include the amount of the product(s) you are returning. Shipping costs will be deducted from the refund.